Terms & Conditions
Liability Only
Landlord agrees to waive the requirements that tenant purchase insurance set forth in the in the Lease Agreement and charge Tenant a $12 per month Building Protection Fee if Tenant either: 1) elects to waive the insurance requirement and pay the Building Protection Fee; or 2) fails to provide proof of insurance as required in the Lease Agreement (in which case the Building Protection Fee will be charged to the Tenant automatically). This Building Protection Fee is to be paid as additional monthly rent and will be used to help protect Landlord’s assets, including real, improved and personal property owned or managed by Landlord against damage caused by a Tenant. This Building Protection Fee offers no protection for Tenant’s personal property or third party liability. Tenant should consider purchasing renter’s insurance to protect Tenant from financial loss and third-party liability.
Content Coverage
Landlord agrees to waive the requirements that tenant purchase insurance set forth in the Lease Agreement and to reimburse Tenant up to $10,000 for damage to Tenant’s personal contents if Tenant elects this option and pays $15 per month for the Building Protection and Property Reimbursement Fee. No reimbursement will be provided if tenant (at the time of a loss) is delinquent in paying either rent or the $15 fee or has any amount outstanding owed to the Landlord. Reimbursement is subject to the additional terms and conditions set forth below.
Reimbursement is only for damage to Tenant’s personal property while that property is located in the Leased Premises or a garage or storage unit which Tenant is renting from Landlord, but only if such damage occurs during the term of the Lease. The per claim and aggregate limit is $10,000 per unit per year. There is a $500 deductible. Only damage to personal property owned by Tenant while located in the Leased Premises or a garage or storage unit which Tenant is renting from Landlord is reimbursable and only if the damage is caused by the following: 1) fire or lightening; 2) windstorm or hail; 3) explosion; 4) riot or civil commotion; 5) aircraft; 6) vehicles crashing into the Leased Premises; 7) smoke; 8) falling objects- if the roof or an outside wall of the Leased Premises is first damaged by the object; 9) weight of ice, snow, or sleet; 10) accidental discharge or overflow of water or steam from within a plumbing, heating, air conditioning, or automatic fire protective sprinkler system or from within a household appliance- unless the damage is to the system or appliance from which the water or steam escaped, resulted from freezing, was caused by accidental discharge or overflow which occurs away from the Leased Premises, or was caused by mold; 11) sudden and accidental tearing apart, cracking, burning or bulging of a steam or hot water heating system, an air conditioning or automatic fire protective sprinkler system, or an appliance for heating water- but not from freezing; 12) sudden and accidental damage from artificially generated electrical current- but does not cover loss to tubes, transistors, electronic components or circuitry that are a part of appliances, fixtures, computers, home entertainment units or other types of electronic apparatus; 13) volcanic eruption- but not loss caused by earthquake, land shock waves or tremors; 14) mold, fungus or wet rot- but only if the mold, fungus or wet rot was caused by an aforementioned cause and only up to $250. Damage to the following are not reimbursable: 1) animals, birds, or fish; 2) motor vehicles, aircraft, hovercraft or water craft, including their accessories, equipment or parts; whether or not attached; 3) property of roomers or boarders; 4) property held out for rental to other by Tenant; or 5) business data. Damage resulting from the following will not be reimbursed: 1) compliance with an ordinance or law; 2) earth movement; 3) water damage from flood, surface water, waves, tidal water, overflow of a body of water, or spray from any of these- whether or not driven by wind- and water damage from water or water-borne material which backs up through sewers or drains or which overflows or is discharged from a sump or related equipment; 4) power failure due to utility service outage; 5) neglect of the Tenant to use reasonable means to save and preserve property after a loss; 6) war; 7) nuclear hazard; 8) any act a Tenant commits with the intent to cause damage; 9) government action, such as confiscation or seizure of public property; 10) thawing, overflow, leakage, or discharge of a plumbing, heating, air conditioning or automatic fire protective sprinkler system or a household appliance, sump pump or related equipment due to freezing; 11) theft, burglary, robbery, or mysterious disappearance; 12) vandalism or malicious mischief; 13) mold, fungus or wet rot- except as expressly stated above; 14) acts of terrorism; 15) fire department service charge; 16) property removed from a leased premises- even if the property was removed to protect from damage; 17) any cost incurred by Tenant for necessary measures taken to protect property from damage; 18) discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, release or escape of pollutants, including any solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals and waste.
Additional Terms & Conditions
The limits set forth in this Addendum are per unit; each individual residing in the unit will not be entitled to the full limit specified if multiple individuals in the unit file a claim for loss and in no event shall the amount that is reimbursable exceed $10,000 per unit per year. Tenant must provide specific details of any loss as soon as practicable to obtain any benefits as described herein, comply with all requests of the Landlord and its representatives regarding proof of damage or loss in a timely manner, and must take action to protect property from further damage. The most that will be reimbursed under this benefit is: the cost to repair or replace with like type and quality at the time of loss without reduction or depreciation or the limits as stated herein, less deductibles. If a pair or set is damaged, Landlord may elect to: repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the damage; or pay the difference between the actual cash value of the property before and after the damage. Landlord will provide forms upon which loss details can be provided. Any damages for which reimbursement is claimed will be adjudicated by a third-party claim administrator. Tenant’s receipt of any benefits is contingent upon Tenant’s full cooperation with the third-party claim administrator and upon that claim administrator’s determination that payment is warranted based upon the terms of this Addendum. No reimbursement will be provided unless Tenant agrees that such reimbursement satisfies Landlord’s obligations and signs a full release. Reimbursement from an affiliate of Landlord will satisfy the obligations of this Addendum. This benefit Summary applies only to damage which occurs during the term of the lease and subject to the other terms stated in this Addendum. Valid and collectible renter’s insurance will pay first; these benefits are in excess of your insurance, if applicable. All claims must be submitted within 30 days of the loss event to be considered for reimbursement.